Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Water Works: Why Water Helps Us

Posted by: Taka Nakaseko

Humans are made up of about 65% water. The water content of your body has to be maintained for your optimal health. Transportation of nutrients to all cells and tissues of the body is very important. Also, water helps us flush toxins, noxious substances, and metabolic wastes out of your body. If you are out of balance for a long period of time, you have muscle imbalance which creates uneven tension. Your muscles will work hard, lactic acid will accumulate in you, making it harder to fight against gravity. Accumulated lactic acid within the muscles causes aching and stiffness. A very precise adjustment to your Atlas, the top neck bone, followed by careful analysis frees those muscle from over-working. Consequently, accumulated lactic acid in the muscles are released into your blood stream. If you are dehydrated, it slows the transportation and elimination of the waste substances from your body. Although most pop, coffee, and tea are water, it contains caffeine which is diuretic. Including caffeine, diuretic substances are anything that promotes the formation of urine by the kidney. Even though research showed that caffeine only has a diuretic effect if you consume large amounts of it (4 to 7 cups of coffee a day), it is still good to drink water. Ask us for a glass of water after your regular check in our office. Just adding a couple glasses of water a day might have a big impact on your health!

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