Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How Chiropractic Can Prevent Yoga From Wrecking Your Body

Posted by: Madelyn George

On January 5th The New York Times ran a fascinating and controversial article called “How Yoga Can Wreck Your Body”. The article elicited a lot of angry responses from yogis, and probably did convince a lot of prospective yoga students to do something “less dangerous”. As I read through the article I admit it was pretty terrifying to read the stories of slipped discs and partial paralysis resulting from some of the more intense yoga poses, but I couldn’t help but wonder if some of the injuries might have been avoided if people had received care at The Balancing Center first.

Personally, I’m not going to stop doing yoga. The moral of the article was something much bigger than avoiding the practice as a whole. With yoga, like with any physical practice, injury is possible, but the biggest risk comes from tuning out the messages your body is sending to you. I plan to stay very present with my body, especially when practicing twists. When it feels like my body is saying “no”, I’ll listen. I hope you will too, and not just with yoga, but with any physical practice.

The care we provide at The Balancing Center is focused on getting people out of pain, improving performance, and improving lifestyle. As you can see from my chiropractic story, I was not in any pain when I started, but I was definitely out of balance. After my first few adjustments I noticed that I was able to perform all physical activity with greater ease and much less strain. Less strain means you’re less likely to get injured! We always tell people that you should keep coming in, even if you feel fine, because staying in balance can help you avoid injuries and pain in the future. It’s so true.

Regular adjustments aren’t the only thing that can improve your health and quality of life. The Balancing Center’s Foundational Movement Practices are a huge part of what makes our patients successful. In Dr. Fedeli’s words, “This is one of the main things we teach. It’s so important to learn how to use your body correctly, and we can teach you how to know when you’re pushing it too far. Our system is an incredible tool to help you sit and stand better, and the movement practices will definitely help you exercise more safely and effectively.”

Link to the original New York Times article:

A couple of interesting response articles:

Friday, January 13, 2012

Top 3 Cleanses for 2012

Posted by: Dr. Ken Bennett

The holidays are finally over and a new year has begun! Many of us have lofty goals and aspirations for 2012. If transforming your health and life in 2012 is one of your goals, might I suggest you start with a cleanse? There’s a laundry list of benefits to doing a cleanse (or detox). Any of the three cleanses I’m about to describe may help you:

- slow down the aging process
- strengthen your immune system
- improve mental clarity
- increase your energy
- enjoy better sleep
- decrease your pain
- lose weight
- enjoy a sense of well-being
- improve symptoms of arthritis
- improve symptoms of fibromyalgia
- balance hormone levels
- reduce inflammation
- improve skin health
- improve digestion

Have you started cleansing yet? That list of benefits is almost enough to make me want to drink some Palmolive... If one or two of these results sound good to you (and I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t) keep reading.

There is an overwhelming number of cleansing/detoxing options available (google it, you’ll see what I mean). I’m sure most of the options out there are helpful on some level. But it can get seriously confusing trying to pick the right one. That’s why we’ve guinea pigged ourselves for The Balancing Center we primarily support 3 different types cleanses. Why only three you ask? Because they work. It’s as simple as that. They are based on solid research, have proven track records, and we all have personal experience with them.

Each of these techniques cleanses your system in a different way. I’ve done all three and I would recommend you do the same. We have different systems and organs in our bodies that need support and detox. And we live in an increasingly toxic world! Watch this video if you need any convincing of that... EWG's Eye-Opening Presentation.

With no further ado and in no specific order here’s our top 3 cleanses for 2012:

1. Alka-Cleanse gently cleanses the colon. It contains psyllium and herbs to stimulate and remove old toxic residues that have been sitting around since the Bears won the ‘85 SuperBowl. It also contains probiotics to help normalize the bacterial environment in the colon.

Personally, I do this twice a year (right after the holidays and in the spring). There’s really no reason not to do this. It’s as easy as taking 6 to 10 pills first thing in the morning for about a month. I look at it like spring cleaning.

In case your weren’t already convinced, Alka Cleanse is our featured product for the month of January. Purchase your bottle this month and get $3 off! (Normally $18)

2. Orenda Immune is probably the best cleanser/detoxer I’ve come across. It actually works at the cellular level. This is huge because we are really nothing more than a bunch of cells (about 100 trillion). Our cells have a lot of receptor sites for different vitamins, hormones, neurotransmitters, etc. Kinda like a lock and key. All of the toxins in our air, water, food, and personal products (if you haven’t watched the video link above, please do) stick to and block our receptor sites. Now we can’t fit the key in the lock, which means our cells can’t let the good stuff in and the bad stuff out, and communication with the other cells is cut off. Given time, our cells become unhealthy, and if our cells are not healthy, we are not healthy. Orenda Immune clears the toxins from our receptor sites which lets the good in, the bad out, and re-establishes communication between cells. Orenda Immune also helps to escort the toxins out of our body via the liver and kidneys. There’s really no other product like this.

I take it everyday and plan to continue doing so until something better comes along. Unfortunately our world is exceedingly polluted. This is one product that you can’t afford not to afford (double negative, I know)...

Orenda Immune is part of an awesome line of products that all produce brilliant results. Visit for more information.

3. The McCombs Plan is a candida (yeast) cleanse. You can learn more about this at the McCombs website but in a nutshell this is how it works.

Everyone (man, woman and child) has been on antibiotics at least once. Probably multiple times and many of those were unnecessary (antibiotics don’t kill viruses). Overuse of antibiotics, especially in the food industry, is a new hot button topic because it creates drug resistant bacteria, but that’s another discussion. Antibiotics kill bad bacteria and good bacteria (the healthy ones in our gut needed for immunity and digestion). When the bacterial balance is offset, the yeast (candida) can multiply and overtake our colon, and then go systemic. Systemic Candidasis can create a myriad of problems.

The McCombs Plan consists of changing your diet to foods the don’t promote candida growth (no dairy, sugar, or grains) and taking supplements to help kill the candida, detox, and reestablish your healthy bacteria. You also drink a lot of water and regularly sweat (in a sauna or hot bath) to help detox. (Simplifying your diet to include fruit, veggies, meat, and brown rice is always a good idea whether or not you do this cleanse.)

This plan is AMAZING! Most people feel better within the first couple of days. I know I can attest to that. My sleep and energy improved in two days! The biggest benefit is learning how your body responds to different foods. It is truly eye opening for most everyone.

For more information on getting started on this plan visit the following link:

Let me know if you have any comments or questions. Until next time...stay balanced.