Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Alkalize for a Balanced Life

Posted by: Dr. Ken Bennett

Balance your pH and regain all the effortless energy and wellness you thought was lost with your childhood.

Life is all about Balance. We’ve all heard the Universal Law - for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Well, the universe that is the inside of our body is no different. Our bodies are constantly working to maintain a pH (Acid/Alkaline) balance in the cells and tissues.

Here’s a quick refresher for those of you that don’t remember high school chemistry that well. The pH scale runs from 1 to 14. A pH of 1 is a strong acid, while a pH of 14 is a strong base (alkaline). Water is a neutral 7.0.

Our body wants to be just slightly alkaline (about 7.4) specifically in the blood which is most important. Different tissues and organs in the body require different pH levels but the blood will always be the priority. For example, your body would sooner take calcium from your bones to bring your blood pH back to 7.4 after your steak and potato dinner. Or it will let all the lactic acid produced from a workout stay in your muscles (making you constantly achy or sore) to keep the blood alkaline. All of this happens because cells and tissues start to malfunction, germs can survive and thrive in an acidic body.

A foundational principle of health is the body is designed to be healthy but programmed to survive.

Sidenote - At The Balancing Center we know this principle holds true for more than just the Acid/Alkaline balance. Structurally speaking our bones are made to be in proper alignment and support our weight. However, accidents and injuries (even repetitive strains like poor posture) can tear loose connective tissue and let your spine and bones shift out of proper alignment. This is important because a misaligned spine creates disturbance in the function of your nervous system which is the master control system, aka: runs all systems of your body. It also means your muscles have to strain to compensate and hold against the misalignments which leads to additional acid formation and wear n’ tear in the body, aka. pain. At The Balancing Center we specialize in detecting and correcting this imbalance. Thus allowing your brain to run the body without disturbance.

We have the choice to make our body's Acid/Alkaline balancing act easy or hard. Thus allowing the body to function more by design than survival programming.

If we choose to eat a lot of acidifying foods such as proteins (meat, grains and dairy) processed foods, and sweets, our bodies have to strain to fight off all the accompanying acid. We can counterbalance the acid, but then we loose all our vitamins and minerals - calcium, potassium, magnesium, etc. In this way we are robbed of the nutritional value in our foods (even bad foods have some value, usually) and we create an environment ripe for the formation of disease. In an acidic environment, as our alkalizing minerals are no longer available for their primary purpose, the body begins to malfunction and disease becomes a reality. Disease can look like any of the following conditions: poor sleep, allergies, loss of energy, digestive issues, cloudy thinking, confusion, pain, weight gain, skin conditions and many more serious problems.

We have the choice to make this balancing act easy. We can choose to eat A LOT of fruits and vegetables -- especially greens. Depending on your metabolic type, this could mean up to 80% of your diet...now I make plenty of healthy choices when it comes to eating, but personally I’m not looking to become the next Bugs Bunny. Therefore, I choose to drink alkalizing, nutrient packed green drinks on a daily basis. When we eat and drink more Alkalizing Foods the minerals and energy packed within create a powerful alkalizing environment for our cells. Germs and tumors starve and die in this environment. Our cells are energized leading to a healthy expression of life -- you can say hello to renewed vitality, a trim lean body that feels great, mental clarity, restful sleep,easy digestion and so much more.

Although it always makes me laugh a bit, the book title “Alkalize or Die” is basically true...although I like to think more along the line of creating balance in life. A body balanced structurally and chemically opens the door to more balance in all aspects of your life. So get your pH in balance and bring abundance and happiness to all those around you.

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