Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Power of a Daily Practice

Posted by: Madelyn George

Foundational Movement Practices
- the name is pretty self-explanatory. Dr. Dan Fedeli has spent decades creating the FMP program. Building on countless stories of success and transformation, doctors Ken Bennett and Taka Nakaseko have achieved great success using and improving the program with their own patients. These are exercises that pave the way for healthy functioning. But what does it really mean to call something a practice? What does it mean to make a commitment to practice?

In the English language, “practice” can be used as both a noun and a verb. One can practice playing an instrument, or playing a sport, and achieve serious improvement. One can also establish a daily practice in order to find some mental clarity, or to reach nirvana. In either case, we’re talking about practical steps that can be repeated in order to achieve an extraordinary goal.

How awesome is it that we can excel in life simply by incorporating simple actions into our daily routines?!

What habits or activities are already incorporated into your daily routine? Dr. Ken often says that taking care of your spine should be like taking care of your teeth. While many people don’t go to the dentist twice a year, the practice of brushing one’s teeth is widespread. (At least we hope so!) This is a habit that has been incorporated into the lives of billions of people. Can you imagine not brushing your teeth everyday? Can you imagine the decay? Can you imagine the smell every time people opened their mouths?

We encourage patients to stick with a care plan in order to get beyond pain and achieve their wildest health goals. That means we schedule regular appointments, with frequency depending on the unique situation of each patient. But coming in to meet with a doctor is only one part of the healing process. Integrating new, healthy practices into the lives of our patients is HUGE! One of the primary ways we can integrate balance into our lives is by making a commitment to Foundational Movement Practices. Check out this video to hear how FMP helped a member of our team achieve a breakthrough over a year after she initially learned the exercises!

Do you already have a daily practice? We’d love to hear about it over on our facebook page . Whether the idea is totally new to you, or your practice is already helping you reach new heights, consider adding Foundational Movement Practices to your daily routine. Find out what five extra minutes can do for you.

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