Thursday, November 10, 2011

Releasing Trauma at The Balancing Center

Posted by: Barry Krost

Trauma is often the reason for the physical symptoms that we see at The Balancing Center. Trauma is an event that is so overwhelming to the person that they feel helpless and without resource. It leads to a disruption of the natural flow of energy and function within the nervous system that prevents us from being well and produces painful symptoms.

Trauma can begin with a physical injury, accident and/or emotional injuries. In these moments we can create a survival strategy that is initiated by our defensive physiology. Our body’s response to danger is a series of physiological changes meant to protect us. Long after the event we may be physically and/or emotionally stuck in a constant state of survival that is expressed as pain and other symptoms.

At The Balancing Center we have a number of methods for treating hidden traumatic responses including our BEST technique, and Family & Systemic Constellation work. The Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique (BEST) can address emotional patterns that are interfering with maximum healing. BEST is based on scientific principles utilizing light pressure contacts on the surface of the body to address imbalances in our nervous system caused by defensive physiology.

BEST helps the body identify emotional patterns that are interfering with our natural function, unlocks this interference, and then allows the body to function based on current situations rather than past experiences. It can release trauma in a safe way by bypassing the stuck patterns of survival without consciously addressing the details of the event.

Family & Systemic Constellations are a technique that uses a “Knowing Field” around each of us to help us to understand the hidden influences on our thoughts, feelings, behaviors and physical symptoms often resulting from issues in our family system. The Constellation process involves setting up a physical representation of the underlying patterns and allowing for these elements to move into a new and healthier way of being. Constellations can be setup specifically to change the dynamics of trauma. During these constellations the patient can explore their trauma, survival strategies and the possibility of living beyond them.

If you would like to learn more about the BEST techniques please contact Drs. Dan, Ken or Taka. For Family & Systemic Constellation work you should talk with Barry Krost, who is a trained Constellations Facilitator. We look forward to sharing more about these amazing techniques.

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