Monday, November 21, 2011

Nine Steps to Sitting InTensegrity™

Posted by: Dr. Dan Fedeli

Just as shaking your computer mouse wakes up your computer, InTensegrity™ Procedures wake up your body and your nervous system. The goal of Sitting InTensegrity™ is to let the bones respond to the stress of gravity (your weight) instead of relying on your muscles to hold you up. Bones are made to bear weight while muscles are made to stabilize and move. When your body is functioning as it was designed, your system’s resources are freed up to do more of what you want.

1. Rock Forward - Using the same motion as the supine “Rock and Roll”, feel your weight shifting forward and backward as your lower back arches and rounds.

2. Pull the Shoulders Down first (toward the hips) and then Back (toward each other)[Click here for a 5 minute video]

3. Lean Forward - if your shoulders are down and back as your lean forward you will find a stopping point when your shoulders are over your center of gravity

4. Settle Back into the sit bones - without rocking and rolling the pelvis, move to the middle and then the back of the sit bones

5. Relax your stomach - take a breath in and out allowing your stomach to relax while performing a slight crunch with your rib cage (only enough to remove any hyperextension in your midback)

6. Release your neck - bend your head back (notice any tension/lack of motion), bend your head forward all the way, bend your head back again (you should notice more motion and less tension), then look straight ahead, tuck your chin slightly, and feel the length in the back of you neck

7. Internally Rotate the Hips - with feet flat on the floor 6 to 10 inches apart (about hip width) bring your knees over your heels (this settles your weight deeper into your sit bones)

8. Lean Back maintaining a sense of internal rotation in the hips

9. Enjoy the increased energy and comfort and get back to what you are supposed to be doing

Option B: Add a Forward Fold to step 1. “Rock and roll”, then fold forward onto your thighs letting your head and arms relax and hang. Arching your lower back lift from your head and chest to the forward sitting position. Repeat. Then continue by following steps 2 through 9.

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