Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Unleash the Fear

Posted by: The Balancing Center

We might not consciously think of it, but beyond the candy and the costumes, Halloween is a holiday that allows us to confront fear. We visit haunted houses and marathon scary movies and feel the primal chill that runs through our guts. It’s uncomfortable but electric and undeniably compelling.

What other time of year do we decide, nationally, to let fear flow through us? (Maybe inadvertently at Christmas time, but that’s another post.) Most of the time we strive to minimize the fear in our lives (even as the culture around us strives to create a fear-based economy, but that too is another post).

Fear does strange things to us. We might run, we might fight, we might freeze. Rational thought stops as our heart races, our blood vessels constrict, our cortisol levels rise, and our stomachs drop to the floor. And because we are so rarely educated in how to deal with fear, we don’t always make healthy choices. We ignore the fear. We distract ourselves from or anesthetize ourselves to the fear, eating out of stress, using drugs (including caffeine and nicotine), watching too much television, spending too much time on the internet.  

After school specials and our moms tell us to face our fears. Why? Because fear, in its primal profundity, can be an opportunity. If we can breathe through the fear, if we can pause before we run or fight or freeze, we might get a chance to figure out why we’re afraid and, even better, find a way to defeat, confront, or embrace what is scaring us.  

Understanding the causes and effects of fear opens up so much of life. We’ll try new things. We’ll want to run and stay anyway; we’ll want to fight and instead we’ll forgive.

At The Balancing Center, we strive to present the facts of your health. Whatever emotions arise out of that--fear or frustration or confusion--we strive to find ways to work with you through those emotions.

When you don’t let the fear move through you, well, it can’t move through you. It will get stuck. Emotions cause physical reactions and the emotion of fear will cause your body to enter its defense physiology, leading to poor sleep, increased stress, constricted digestion and respiration. Just like how fear might paralyze you from growing, fear that is stuck somewhere in your body can prevent that part of your body from healing.

And we want you to heal.

The chiropractors at The Balancing Center also practice N.E.T, or “NeuroEmotional Technique,” a question-based method of discovering the locations of trapped emotions and stress in your system. Practical example: we store fear in our kidneys and in the vertebrae T1, T5, and T8. By using N.E.T., the chiropractors can discover if you’re storing fear and they can help you to release that from your system. 

Your body can relax and rest. And you can use your fear as the spring board into health. Fear will always find a way into your life. And you can always find a way through it.

Allow this Halloween holiday to unleash the fear in you and see what happens. Let the fear move through you and see what it can in turn unleash and even inspire. And then consider making an appointment with us to round out your October.

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