Imagine you live by a river, brown from chemical pollution, gritty from agricultural runoff, choked with debris. You work hard to clean it up and manage to get it decently restored. But a few weeks later the river is right back to where it was: brown, gritty, choked...out of balance.
And then you travel a few miles north and discover the factory that is actually responsible for all the problems appearing miles downstream. Without working to have the factory improve its waste management, any downstream clean-up efforts become mere stopgaps.
Often when people deal with health problems and pain, their situation is like the story of this river. When you are ill, it is easy to become distracted by the most apparent evidence of a problem, usually pain or discomfort. And while pain is a powerful sign of illness, it is often the last sign that something is wrong. Cleaning a river that is still being polluted only provides a temporary solution. Addressing pain, symptoms, and side effects without discovering the source of your health problems will only provide temporary relief.
That’s where we can help! When you visit The Balancing Center to experience our care, the first step we take is to travel “upstream” in your spine to discover exactly what root causes are contributing to your pains, sufferings, and imbalances. Rather than “cracking” separate areas of your back, we focus on your upper cervical vertebrae to realign your neck and head. This is because your upper cervical vertebrae has a controlling influence on the rest of your spine and body. This is how we uniquely specialize in getting to the root of the problems that are robbing you of your vitality and interfering with your life. By uncovering these underlying conditions, we can provide customized care to get you out of pain and back into balance!
Once we address your upstream problems, your body is clean and clear to receive the full benefits of the other wonderful care you provide for it: regular exercise, calming meditation, a nutritious diet, all three or more! We help provide you with the balance and connection your body craves in order to enhance your body’s wondrous ability to heal itself. You are designed to be well. We help you on the path to achieving that healthy design.
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