Posted by: Franklin Drob
As some of you may have noticed, The Balancing Center is going through online changes, which includes our media presence and consistent blog posts. We are excited about creating content and sharing ideas that are significant to you and our balanced community. But most importantly, we are eager to hear your feedback and read your comments and reviews because they brighten up our day and allow us to reflect.
Virtually speaking, you can find us on Facebook and Linkedin. Whitney has been on the Facebook scene adding and updating our Fan Page with current events and useful tips. We consider the page as more of an informal conversation, one where you can leave us a comment, share a useful link, or simply create a general message for all to read. So far, we have 70+ balance members, so if you have yet to get on our fan page, now is the time.
Linked-In is typically a professional social media website for those interested in our Employee Productivity Programs. We created these programs because we recognize the value in being balanced and cared for at work. Dr. Bennett and Dr. Taka present you and your colleagues with enlightening lunch and learns, chair massages and nervous system checks. If you are interested in having the doctors come in for a lunch hour please feel free to Dr. Fedeil’s page on Linked-In and we will coordinate all the logistics.
These social media tools allow us to share our message with those who have yet to hear about our unique care and support process.
Lastly, what we are discovering has tremendous value for our online presence in this world wide web of ours is your reviews. City Search, Yelp, and Angies list provides consumers with a voice that is read by other consumers. Although each website has a different theme, the idea is simple, write about your experience and provide a rating. If you consider our rating less than five star quality, please let us know why because we lovingly welcome all your feedback So now, join our group, link into our balanced network and leave us a comment because we the enjoy the flavor of the various personalities that make up our center.
Below are the various links:
Facebook: Type in “The Balancing Center”
Linkd in: Search Dr. Dan Fedeli