In Chiro Q&A we ask the members of The Balancing Center a question and they answer!
Today’s question: What is your favorite way to meditate?
Dr. Dan: I practice spiritual exercises that focus on projecting my consciousness outward.
Dr. Ken: If I’m going to meditate, I listen to the “Holosync CD.” It has some guided listening that helps you get to sleep.
Dr. James: I do something. I walk, I do the dishes, I like to puff on a cigar, doing something helps me zone out and relax.
Barry: Three meditations I practice are the recordings of Kelly Howell, transcendental meditation, and meditating on the mantra I receive from Amah.
Mary: I meditate through a centering prayer and by practicing tonglen, a Tibetan meditation.
Mark: I like to practice a walking meditation. My second favorite way is to meditate while performing the last half of my yoga routine.
Jen: I like to be myself and I usually meditate in bed before I go to sleep. I’ll practice dynamic tension as I meditate and I can fall asleep right away!
Lindsay: There’s this audio track of shamanic drumming that takes me to cool places. I also like to try to listen to everything and pick up every sound that my ears can detect.
Jackie: I love running while listening to music. I can just be in it with my runner’s high.
There’s more than one way up the mountain! Meditation doesn’t have to just be sitting in silence. If your particular practice helps you quiet your thoughts and get you centered, go for it!