Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dr. Taka's Chiropractic Story

Posted by: Dr. Taka Nakaseko

Long-term patients who have been working at The Balancing Center to achieve and maintain optimum health can attest to the fact that excellent chiropractic care is often an incredible journey. Dr. Taka's path to chiropractic care is no exception. Fifteen years ago, Dr. Taka's mother survived a serious car accident. She healed from the accident except for a strange numbness on the left side of her face. They tried everything; Dr. Taka accompanied his mother to appointments with multiple doctors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists. Six months later they found their way to a chiropractor's office. After two adjustments, Dr. Taka's mother had healthy sensation throughout her whole face and Taka new what he would do with his life.

Though Taka was finishing high school and contentedly studying mechanical engineering in Japan at the time, he decided to come to the United States. He learned English as quickly as he could to qualify for pre-chiropractic training, then he attended Palmer College of Chiropractic. Though he was far away from home, he never doubted his decision. He will confidently tell anyone who asks, "Chiro chose me."

Now that he has had a chance to settle into his work at The Balancing Center, Dr. Taka believes that the whole medical system could change if everyone had access to the type of integrative health care he offers. He is disappointed that so much of Western medicine is focused on surgery when lifestyle changes and preventative care are truly effective and much less invasive.

"My dream," he says, "is that everyone learns about the potential of holistic chiropractic to help them feel better and optimize their life."

He also imagines a day when families might use chiropractic instead of general practitioners to live healthier lives. "There are so many things we could help with," he says. Dr. Taka emphasizes the less invasive procedures and long-term effects of chiropractic. The care can be woven into a person's life.

Before he began his chiropractic training, Taka used to get painful sinus infections every year. Since he embarked on this path there have been no signs of it! He also used to struggle with a frustrating pollen allergy. This is also gone. He is grateful to have grown up with parents who preferred holistic health methods to traditional medical doctors. A preference for holistic care has been ingrained in him since his developmental years and may have been what got him where he is today.

When I asked Taka to describe his ideal patient he answered that he is excited about working with anyone who is ready to be healthy and do what it takes and stick with it. In his own words, "Chiropractic is a lifestyle."

Dr. Taka looks forward to helping you achieve optimal health at The Balancing Center.

Written by: Madelyn George

Monday, April 18, 2011

Dr. Ken's Chiropractic Story

Posted by: Dr. Ken Bennett:

Dr. Ken Bennett’s chiropractic story began when he was eight years old. He remembers having to head home from a vacation early. His mother was sweating profusely and he could tell she was in a great deal of pain. As they drove home she joked that he might have to drive. Despite the humor, there was an edge to her voice.

Something was very wrong with her back. She went in for surgery, but it didn’t help. It was only after the operation that she tried chiropractic care. She felt better immediately after the first adjustment. Even though Dr. Ken was very young his mother’s experience would influence the course of his life. Fast forward to Dr. Ken’s college years. He had the opportunity to observe a chiropractor who focused on the upper cervical spine. Dr. Ken describes the doctor he worked with as hilariously funny and full of energy. The technique he used was not the gentle approach Dr. Ken uses today, but it still inspired his work.

One day the doctor asked the young Dr. Ken what he thought chiropractic was. Dr. Ken really had no idea. From what he’d observed it looked like patients would have their backs “cracked” and they’d leave feeling better. That was the day he learned about the nervous system’s profound effect on the entire body, and the ways that Chiropractic care can support its healthy functioning. Dr. Ken already had interest in going into a health care field, but it was now clear that chiropractic was the way to go.

Dr. Ken has now been a chiropractor for over a decade. He can tell countless success stories of how people were transformed in the most unexpected ways due to their chiropractic care. In addition to structural work Dr. Ken also incorporates nutritional information and supplements into many of his care plans. When asked what he enjoys most about his job he said he loves seeing different people really start to learn how much power they have when it comes to their health. He also particularly enjoys all the different personalities he has the privilege of working with.

One of the things that makes Dr. Ken such an important part of The Balancing Center team is that he so firmly believes that covering up symptoms doesn’t work. In his own life he has rarely ever had to resort to medication. This is just one of many ways that Dr. Ken personally demonstrates the benefits of holistic care. He often says that taking care of your spine is like brushing your teeth. Everybody has a nervous system, and that’s all it takes to benefit from chiropractic care. Dr. Ken’s ideal patient is someone who asks questions. He believes everyone should take advantage of the free knowledge he and his associates here at The Balancing Center have to offer. The most amazing part, if you ask Dr. Bennett, is that so much transformation can take place with just a simple change of perspective.